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Our catalogue of various cats has been growing slowly over the years. We offer different sculpts for different size cats. If there’s the feline you have in mind is not represented in any of these sculpts, we can make a new sculpt for that species. All our cats are available as headdress, Mask, headdress combos, Paldrons, wraps, sashes, etc. You’re not limited to what’s represented in previous productions. We’re always happy to consider new animals and designs.

Small Felines

This sculpt works best for any feline within the domestic cat size range. it has a shorter snout, larger eyes and overall rounder face. As with all our animals, the ear length, fur color and pattern are adjustable for each order.

Small/ Medium Felines

This sculpt works best for cats with sharper and sleeker features. It features high, pronounced cheek bones with a repetitively slender snout. The sculpt has been our choice for cats like the Caracal and Cheetah. We don’t limit clients to a specific sculpt for a specific cat so you’re free to request any cat on any of our sculpts.

Medium/ Large Feline

This sculpt has been our choice for various leopards. It has more rounded features than our small/ medium feline sculpt and a broader snout. It’s worth nothing that leopards can be made on the small/ medium sculpt if you prefer the features on it.

This sculpt is reserved for lions and tigers. As with all other sculpts, it is available for a variety of wearables ranging from headdresses, mantles and pauldrons, sashes and wraps, rugs and throws, display busts and wall mounts, etc. Naturally there are several variations of this sculpt to accommodate the range of products we offer, however, these variations are minor modifications of the same basic sculpt.
Our lions require a slightly different ordering process than our other cats. This will be explained in detail further down.

Large Cats

Anatomy of a Basic piece

Like most our other animals our Basic headdress or mask headdress combos include the upper head, neck, and mantle (upper shoulders of the animal. This is a standard pattern so if you wish to order a larger or smaller mantle you must indicate this in your order request. The Basic piece does not include Acrylic eyes or teeth.
There are a set of additions that can be made to the head such as Acrylic eyes, teeth, whiskers, snarls, scars, LED eyes, horns or other fantasy upgrades. These are charged accordingly.
Additional body parts such as paws, cape (body), and tail can be requested in a variety of combinations and cuts.

Stand-alone headdress

A stand alone headdress is a piece that can be worn on the top of the head only. These pieces don’t have peepholes like our Mask Headdress Combos. They use a different sculpt than our Mask Headdress Combos so it’s important that clients indicate precisely whether they are ordering a stand-alone headdress or a Mask Headdress Combo when they send their order requests.

Mask Headdress Combo

AS the name suggests, these pieces are modular and can be worn as either a headdress on top of the head, or flipped onto the face and worn as a mask. The switch is as easy as flipping them up and down on the head. The Mask Headdress combo features peepholes for you to see through.
Visibility is naturally going to be limited on all masks. This is simply the nature of masks.

Body Extent, Style & Cut

As with all our animals, our cats are available in a variety cuts and patterns. Our clients are not limited to designs we’ve put forth. You’re always welcome to bring your own design to us for an assessment. The figure here depicts some suggested style and cuts. Depending on the animal in question we may use a solid color fur or multiple fur colors to create a pattern. If you’re ordering a spotted or striped animal, most likely those patterns will be hand shaded for the most natural effect.
For the majority of our Animals you will have the option to add either a full body or parts of a body. You will also have the option to have a clean cut or jagged cut hem. Each part is calculated separately based on the animal, size of the pelt, fur colors, pattern, and the extent of the body you include.
. Tails can be ordered Separately for styles that don’t stretch down low enough to have attached tails. Other parts like Cuffs and Leg Warmers are also available additions

Clean Cut vs Jagged Cut

All hems can be ordered in either clean or jagged cut. Jagged cuts are asymmetrical. They can be applied to any length cape and the front chest pieces. Jagged cuts are considered upgrades and will cost more.

Paws Explained

Default Paws

When a client requests paws, the default is always pelt style attachments. These paws will often be displayed tied together like in the right hand side of the figure above; however, they can be worn either loose or tied. You may order them with or without the addition of resin claws. As discussed above, they may be ordered in solid or multi color patterns depending on your wolf.

Finger-less Gloves

Finger-less gloves are an available accessory you can order along with any piece in a matching color. They are sold in pairs and come in one size. These pieces are strapped on, mimicking a barbarian feral look while still allowing full dexterity. They can be ordered with or without resin claws. The default pieces measure 8”. You may request them at longer lengths. If you are ordering finger-less gloves, you must indicate them as such. If you order paws, we will assume you mean our default paws.