Current Production Times & Rushed Order Fee Rates

Current regular commission production times are approximately 36 weeks, depending on order size and specifications. Current regular commission production times are approximately 36 weeks, depending on order size and specifications. We have a planned hiatus in August and September. All orders required within August or September need to be placed prior to February 17th to qualify for shipping prior to August. After Feb 17th, orders required for August and September will be charged rushed order fees. Orders requires for October and November must be placed no later than March 17th.
Rushed order fees will be calculated based on the current average production time at the time of your order. Rushed order fees are calculated based on the number of days or weeks we are left with to produce the item in question. This section will be updates regularly to reflect the most current production time for Basic pieces (our Basic headdresses are considered “Basic pieces”. All other items will be in the higher price range). Significantly upgraded pieces may require more time and will be subject to higher fees depending on case details.

Rushed order fees as currently as follows. These prices will be updated on March 01, 2025  to reflect our 36 week production schedule.

7 to 9 days $5000 to $6000 depending on item+ FedEx shipping fees
10 to 14 days $3000 to $5000 depending on the item + FedEx shipping fees
under 3 weeks $2000 to $3000 depending on the item + priority shipping cost
under 4 to 5 weeks $1800 to $2800 depending on the item + priority shipping costs
under 6 to 7 weeks $1500 to $2000 depending on the item + priority shipping costs
under 8 to 10 weeks $1100 to $2000 depending on the item + priority shipping costs
under 11 to 14 weeks $900 to $1800 depending on the item + priority shipping costs
under 15 to 18 weeks $700 to $1500 depending on the item + priority shipping costs
under 19 to 20 weeks $600 to $1000 depending on the item + priority shipping costs
21 to 23 weeks $500 to $900+ expedited shipping
23 to 25 weeks $300 to $700 + shipping to be discussed
25 to 27 weeks $100 to $300 + shipping to be discussed

Please be advised, If you have a standing order already and want to upgrade your order to a rushed status, your fees will be calculated from your upgrade date, not from your order placement date.

If you need an item for Halloween, your order needs to ship out no later than the 24th of October whether it’s an In Stock item or a Ready to ship item. Naturally In Stock items are not subject to rushed order fees. Any additions requested on In stock items that are needed for Halloween will be subject to rushed order fees as well though.
Keep in mind when planning that you should always leave a little additional time for customs to process your parcel. As we approach Holidays like Halloween, and later Christmas and New Years, please allow ample time for production as our commission load will be heavy and shipping delays due to Holiday mail rush will become a concern.
As always, we never delay orders unnecessarily as it’s prudent for us to be well ahead of schedule. If there’s an opportunity to complete your order in advance of contractual deadlines then we will aim for that.

Expected Delays


If you’re placing an order for an Item where the shipping time falls in or near major holidays like Christmas, please kindly keep in mind that delays in delivery between mid November to around 10th of January are natural. Kindly plan accordingly and request FedEx as your courier if you are on a deadline.